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How to Do Library Research

Tips and tricks from SCC Library

SCC OneSearch

What Am I Searching?

OneSearch refine my results screenshot
Filtering options in SCC OneSearch

SCC OneSearch, the library's discovery system, contains most of the resources the library subscribes to - you can enter a search term here to find articles, books, e-books, course reserve materials, and more.

Why Choose This Option?

You want to cast a wide net to see what you might catch.

How Do I Filter My Search?

To narrow your search (by, for example, online availability, publication date, or subject) you can use the "refine my results" options listed along the left-hand side of the page. Filter by whether the item is available online or a physical object; whether it is peer-reviewed; whether it is an article, a book, a review, or something else; when it was published; subjects covered in it; and more.

You can also filter by format, type, or location using the drop-down menu at the right side of the search box. 

  • All - Your results will include everything indexed by SCC OneSearch, the most inclusive search you can perform.
  • Course Reserves - See if we have your textbook on reserve and save some money!
  • Articles & More - Mainly articles and book reviews; also includes streaming video.
  • Physical Books & Media - All of the items housed in the SCC Library building.
  • Physical Books & eBooks - All books, physical and electronic.
  • eBooks - Only e-books.
  • Books & Media at SAC - Searches all of the items housed in the Santa Ana College Library, where SCC students automatically have borrowing privileges.
A diagram of options in SCC OneSearch: All Databases - view list of databases; Find Journals - search for the title of a journal or magazine; Newspaper Search - search only newspapers (all other search types exclude them); use the drop-down in the search box to limit to Course Reserves, Articles, Physical Books and Media, Physical Books and E-books, E-books, and Books & Media at Santa Ana College
A diagram of options in SCC OneSearch

Where Can I Access This?

Access SCC OneSearch here, or via this search box:

A - Z Databases

What Am I Searching?

This is a list of all our databases, organized alphabetically.

Why Choose This Option?

You only want results from a specific subject area; or you know that you are looking for database results that are not included in SCC OneSearch at this time (Bloom's Literature, Kanopy, Swank).

How Do I Filter My Search?

You can filter this list of databases by subject, database type, or vendor. 

A-Z filtering options screenshot
Filtering options in A-Z Databases










Where Can I Access This?

Google Scholar

What Am I Searching?

Open-access content from across the web; some of the same scholarly books and articles available via SCC OneSearch and A-Z Databases. 

Why Choose This Option?

The interface of Google Scholar is similar to that of Google, which is familiar to most people and makes it a convenient starting place. 

How Do I Filter My Search?

You have the option to set a publication date range, and include or exclude patents and citations, but that's it. 

Where Can I Access This?

Once you are at, click on the hamburger menu to to go Settings. Within Settings, click on "Library links" and enter "Santiago Canyon College" into the search box. Check the two results that appear (Santiago Canyon College - View Full Text and SANTIAGO CANYON COLLEGE - ProQuest Fulltext) and hit Save.

Google Scholar configuration screenshot
Configuration of Google Scholar


SCC Research Guides

We are in the process of building our collection of research guides. As we do, there will be guides for specific courses as well as fields of study. These will contain links to resources that are "best bets" for that course or subject area.